

Blog 6

  Parker, Franklin D., Orozco, Manuel S., Walker, Thomas W., Arguello, Rosendo and Nietschmann, Bernard. "Nicaragua." Encyclopedia Britannica, Invalid Date, Accessed 9 March 2021.   The next country that I was interested in was a country named Nicaragua. I don’t very much about this country, but I am curious to know how things are when it comes to culture, food, and cost of living. Orozco states that, the Country Nicaragua is in the Caribbean Sea and is the largest Central American republics. Orozco insists that, the country was colonized by the Spanish and the British. The country population is much bigger than I expected, and it surprised me to learn that it's still recovering from the dictatorship (Parker, ). The country is not as diverse with most people there are Spanish/Indian, 2nd white, 3rd black (Parker, ethnic groups). Most of the population speaks Spanish though there used to be Indian languages, but they dis...

Blog post 5

     From how things have been recently no I don’t think my blog meets all the rubric criteria. The areas where It needs some work is how I introduce the topic or how I end it. The introductions and conclusions are where I mainly struggle at. I guess the aspects of the blogs are from the researching aspect of the assignment. When I comes to my efforts with this class I am butting some effort but it’s not enough effort to do or to finish them. I usually go back to see if there is any spelling errors and grammar most of the time especially if it’s a big grade. I feel a little uncomfortable with others reading my blog because it’s not only something I’m not used to but, I also am not the best when it comes to writing so when others look at them, I don’t feel OK it’s hard to explain. That’s a good question, I guess we could discuss on is how to introduce and how to make your blog interesting to read and to look at. What I learned from doing blogs is what you can learn from ot...